
Although probably the most drastic of changes in our list of logos, the decision to drop Donuts from the Dunkin’ Donuts brand hasn’t left us too perplexed. The removal of the coffee cup and wording has simplified their logo enough that our instant familiarity with their branding leaves us wondering ‘what did it even look like before?’

Calvin Klein

While Uber moved away from the uppercase style, Calvin Klein decided it was the way to go for their logo tweak back in 2017. Some questioned why did Calvin Klein bother with such a subtle move, while CK claimed during its launch that the redesign was “a return to the spirit of the original”.

A logo is the most public facing part of any brand, being something which consumers relate to, identify with and most importantly, recognise.

Big names like Google and eBay make changes to their logos all the time, with few of us noticing. But these aren’t the only big names to tweak their branding, as many others update their logo in order to stay current.

A logo change doesn’t have to be drastic, but with a subtle adjustment can show that a brand is keeping up.

We take a look at 6 logo changes that were subtle but sweet, passing some of us by.


Uber’s new simpler, custom typeface makes a statement beyond its previously used logo designs. Released near the end of 2018, the new logo design has considerably improved consistency across the brand – something which was hugely criticised with their previous type design and circular logo. Uber’s new image was also launched across their other international services.

Logo design: Where next?

Some of the interesting trends in logo changes we’ve found have included minimalist design, uppercase alterations and typography tweaks – All modernising and scaled perfectly across platforms. But how far can this minimalist approach go? Who knows!

If you’re looking to update your brand and need a little creative input from the Rooster team, get in touch to find out how we can help.


Although a relatively subtle redesign, Flipboard actually adjusted their logo in several ways. As well as introducing an all-caps typeface, they also brought in a single colour symbol and a brighter shade of red. You may have spotted the change if you’re an avid Flipboard user, but otherwise this redesign probably passed you by.


Luxury fashion brand Celine revamped their logo as 2018 came to a close, to better resemble the original 1960s design. As well as removing the accent from the ‘E’, the brand have also explained that the new logo uses modernist typography from the 1930s. The change in branding is a subtle one, and if you weren’t too familiar with the brand before, you probably didn’t notice this transition.


Used around the world daily, but how many of us really noticed this subtle logo update? The Mozilla team made a minimal change to modernise the design, eliminating those extra details that weren’t really needed. Their designer claimed that the subtle change focused on refining its visual element, “that spoke to the power and newness of the browser.”