
All You Need to Know About Our New Offering as a HubSpot Solutions Partner

We’re so excited to share our announcement of becoming a HubSpot agency with you! Click here to find out more now.


Voice Search in 2024

In 2024, voice search is a booming industry. Make sure you’re considering VSO techniques so you don’t get left behind. Learn more now.


Lead Tracking: How to Increase Customer Acquisition

Lead tracking will be integral to your marketing strategy. Find out how you can implement it successfully by clicking here.


Micro Marketing: What is it and How Can Businesses Utilise it?

All you need to know about micro marketing, how businesses can utilise it and some tips and tricks. Learn more now.


B2B vs B2C Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

B2B vs B2C Marketing – what are they and how do they differentiate? Read our latest article to discover the differences between the two.


Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age

Telling your brand story is a lot easier with help from digital marketing. Click to learn more about how it works!

2024 Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For | Rooster Marketing

2024 Digital Marketing Trends

The 2024 digital marketing trends are coming to light. Click to discover more about how we expect to get results this year.


What is Headless CMS?

In 2023, businesses are searching for ways to manage their content more efficiently and effectively. One way that has become a must in recent years is headless CMS.

What is a


Agency vs. In-House – Making the Right Choice

Deciding whether to rely on an external agency or build an in-house team for your company’s marketing efforts can be a challenging decision, as each option has its own considerations


How to Grow Your Email Subscriber List Ethically and Effectively

Having and growing an email subscriber list is crucial for those aiming to build their business offering and can bring many benefits.

The benefits of having an email list allow direct


How to Prevent Your WordPress Site From Being Hacked


Convert Your Prezi into a Powerpoint PPT for Slideshare


The Underestimated Power Of UI In Mobile App Design


Digital Marketing vs Social Media Marketing


10 Tips For Hiring a Web Development Agency


5 Reasons Why Users are Leaving Your Website


The Importance of Good Hosting for Your Website

Having a new website built is a big, yet worthy investment for your business. You may have made this decision to perhaps improve your online visibility and performance, increase enquiries,


Migrating a Simple WordPress Website from HTTP to HTTPS


TOP TIP: Use 3D Animation to Explain Complex Services


Adaptive Vs. Fully Responsive Web Design

You may have heard about the emphasis on responsive website design recently – due to the news that Google will now be primarily ranking websites on their


Which Social Media Channels Work Best For Businesses

You may be a B2B business, targeting warehouse managers, LinkedIn would be a good channel to start with. Assuming warehouse managers don’t use channels like Facebook however could be a


Why online video is SUPER important for you and your business


Web Design Company or a Digital Marketing Agency? You decide

With A.I. technology now commonplace in households – in the form of Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa, it is clear that we are firmly established in a digital age. In


Web Design: Does your website need a makeover?


Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency: Help!


Understanding and Acting On Analytics and Digital Marketing Reports

Most people who come to me for help come armed with 1 months worth of analytics reports (if we are lucky), ranking reports, overviews, AdWords reports, social media reports, link


Social Media Engagement

Organic Engagement Strategies

The key to higher engagement is knowing your target audience inside out. Understanding what makes them tick, and delivering content to them in a way that will encourage


PPC or CRO Management?

What is PPC Management?

Pay Per Click (PPC) management is the ongoing process of managing and optimising paid advertising accounts and campaigns. This involves monitoring performance metrics and making optimisation changes


Social Media Channels for Businesses


Content Types

Tweets allow users to post 280 characters of text alongside an optional photo, video, gif, poll or location.


  • Fun fact – there are more daily Twitter users globally than


Keyword Targeting in a PPC Campaign

the categories


Search queries that are asking a question and are looking to learn something. Usually categorised as being in the research phase of the buyer journey.


Searching for a specific website


Active Gloucestershire

fall proof

Being physically active can help mental health, relationships, as well as success at school and work – but two‐thirds of people in Gloucestershire are inactive. Active Gloucestershire is a