
TikTok Advertising: Is it Worth it?

TikTok advertising is a relatively new opportunity to be tapped into. But is it worth it? Click here to find out more.


The Ins and Outs of Brand Research

Brand research is integral to the success of your marketing campaigns. Click here to find out how you can elevate your brand.


How to Make the Most of HubSpot: Working with a Solutions Partner

Becoming a HubSpot solutions partner has made our offering stronger. Find out more about how to capitalise on it by clicking here.


How Creating Interactive Ads Produces Memorable Connections

The future is interactive. The creation of interactive ads could be the key to elevating your marketing strategy. Learn more now.


Diversity and Inclusion in Digital Marketing

Diversity and inclusion is a hot topic in digital marketing. Find out how you can implement diversity authentically by clicking here.


All You Need to Know About Our New Offering as a HubSpot Solutions Partner

We’re so excited to share our announcement of becoming a HubSpot agency with you! Click here to find out more now.


Voice Search in 2024

In 2024, voice search is a booming industry. Make sure you’re considering VSO techniques so you don’t get left behind. Learn more now.


Lead Tracking: How to Increase Customer Acquisition

Lead tracking will be integral to your marketing strategy. Find out how you can implement it successfully by clicking here.


Micro Marketing: What is it and How Can Businesses Utilise it?

All you need to know about micro marketing, how businesses can utilise it and some tips and tricks. Learn more now.


B2B vs B2C Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

B2B vs B2C Marketing – what are they and how do they differentiate? Read our latest article to discover the differences between the two.


Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age

Telling your brand story is a lot easier with help from digital marketing. Click to learn more about how it works!

2024 Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For | Rooster Marketing

2024 Digital Marketing Trends

The 2024 digital marketing trends are coming to light. Click to discover more about how we expect to get results this year.


The Top AI Tools for Marketing in 2024

As technology continues to evolve, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionise many different industries across various elements of media. As we grow closer to welcoming the new year, the integration


5 Ways AI Is Transforming Content Generation

In today’s digital age, content is everything. Whether you’re a blogger, a marketer, or a business owner, the quality and quantity of content you produce can impact your success. However,


How to Manage and Measure Blog Content

In today’s crowded digital landscape, where approximately two million blogs are published daily, it’s crucial to stand out and effectively manage your blog content.

In this article, we uncover the key


What is Headless CMS?

In 2023, businesses are searching for ways to manage their content more efficiently and effectively. One way that has become a must in recent years is headless CMS.

What is a


Building a Strong Brand Identity: A Step-by-Step Guide

Brand identity is more than just a logo; it encompasses the essence of who you are, your values, and the overall personality of your business. It serves as the heart


Agency vs. In-House – Making the Right Choice

Deciding whether to rely on an external agency or build an in-house team for your company’s marketing efforts can be a challenging decision, as each option has its own considerations


How to Grow Your Email Subscriber List Ethically and Effectively

Having and growing an email subscriber list is crucial for those aiming to build their business offering and can bring many benefits.

The benefits of having an email list allow direct


Colour Psychology in Marketing and Branding

Colour is everywhere. It can influence consumers and the way they view the personality and representation of your brand, as well as be a key component in marketing. Having an


Personalisation Techniques To Improve Your E-Commerce


Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends in 2023: How to Get Ahead of the Game


the introduction of marketing funnels: why do we use them?


the key advantages to adopting a data-driven approach in marketing


what’s the difference between inbound and outbound marketing?


ten tips for a strong marketing strategy during COVID-19


Alfred Homes

creating a timeless identity

We started working with Alfred Homes before they had even built their first house.

Alfred Homes had a strong long term vision and direction for the company.


10 Tips for a Successful B2B Social Media Campaign


Top Tips For Property Development Marketing

Planning Your Property Development Marketing

We help many property developers with their marketing each year and know many of the marketing pitfalls. Here are a few pointers to consider when creating


Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing: An Obligatory Convergence


How to Measure the ROI of your B2B Social Media campaign


Pinterest marketing: social link building for search


Social Media Advertising Campaigns: Rooster’s Top Tips


How to Craft a Winning Social Media Strategy


Brand Refresh Vs. Full Rebrand – Which is right for you?


How To Define Your USP And Make The Most Of It!


Which Social Media Channels Work Best For Businesses

You may be a B2B business, targeting warehouse managers, LinkedIn would be a good channel to start with. Assuming warehouse managers don’t use channels like Facebook however could be a


Debunked: Growth Hacking

Ever heard of growth hacking? Most people have, it’s has become a particularly popular term in recent times in the marketing industry. Some even describe growth hacking as a clear


Semiotics and Marketing: Do You Need a Semiotician?


4 Reasons why Quality Content is the Crux of a Successful Website


Do Audiences Still Trust Influencer Marketing?

It has been tricky to keep up and separate what is a personal recommendation and what is a sponsored post, even for the most savvy of social users.


How to Extract and Save Images from a Google Docs Document

Google Docs is a free web-based application, where you can create documents and spreadsheets that are stored online. Google Docs is arguably the most popular of its kind, allowing for


An Effective Emailer; Simpler Than Engaging With a Goldfish!

Improve Your Opens, Clicks and Conversions:

“Email marketing is fast, personal, customizable, and in some ways it’s even more powerful than social media,” –  Brendan Downs, Global Webmaster and Senior Front


What are the Benefits of using a Social Media Management Tool?


Traditional Media VS Digital Media: Which Tops ROI?


Define Your Market with an Audience & Outcomes Exercise


Struggling to market your business in the UK?


When to Outsource Your Marketing Activities


How to Track Mobile Website Performance in Google Analytics

As of March 2018, Google officially announced that the roll out of a mobile-first index has started after a year and a half of testing.

This means that now, more than


Social Media Engagement

Organic Engagement Strategies

The key to higher engagement is knowing your target audience inside out. Understanding what makes them tick, and delivering content to them in a way that will encourage


PPC or CRO Management?

What is PPC Management?

Pay Per Click (PPC) management is the ongoing process of managing and optimising paid advertising accounts and campaigns. This involves monitoring performance metrics and making optimisation changes


Social Media Channels for Businesses


Content Types

Tweets allow users to post 280 characters of text alongside an optional photo, video, gif, poll or location.


  • Fun fact – there are more daily Twitter users globally than


Keyword Targeting in a PPC Campaign

the categories


Search queries that are asking a question and are looking to learn something. Usually categorised as being in the research phase of the buyer journey.


Searching for a specific website


Active Gloucestershire

fall proof

Being physically active can help mental health, relationships, as well as success at school and work – but two‐thirds of people in Gloucestershire are inactive. Active Gloucestershire is a