We don’t like to say “we told you so” but we did tell you so! Not only is good content important but if you don’t have it, Google will be giving you a slap on the wrists with the latest Panda 4.1 update. So if you want to stop that stinging sensation then here’s what you can do to try and resurrect your rankings.

If you’ve been caught, pay the fine! – It’s a bit like being caught for speeding in that you can get away with it for a while and then it’s your turn to take the ticket. You may have avoided detection with previous Panda updates, but you’ve been caught and it’s time to take the Google Awareness Course if your rankings have been affected. It doesn’t make you a bad person!

Content is King

So if you have been negatively affected by the Panda 4.1 update then Google is penalising you for the quality of your web content – maybe now is the time to take a fresh look. Don’t just re-work existing blogs, duplicate other content you find or create meaningless pages for the sake of it.

Dig deep into your knowledge bank and start to create some exciting, interesting, thought led, industry leading content that people will want to read and share. Create a content calendar to keep the momentum going over the next 3 to 6 months and beyond.

We are sure all of you who came to our content-themed Rooster Breakfast Club made all the necessary changes and haven’t been affected at all! (come on… be honest). Well if you didn’t come, weren’t invited or were there and just didn’t listen, stay up-to-speed with our content marketing Prezi.

Still bamboozled by Panda 4.1 update? Give us a call and we can help.