In 2023, businesses are searching for ways to manage their content more efficiently and effectively. One way that has become a must in recent years is headless CMS.

What is a Headless CMS?

Content management systems (CMS) are essential tools for managing digital content such as website pages, blog posts, images, and videos. A traditional CMS combines both the content creation and delivery layers into one system, where the content is created and stored in a backend database and then delivered to a front-end website or application.

However, with the rise of modern web and app development, traditional content management systems have become increasingly limited in their ability to handle content distribution across various channels, including mobile apps, smartwatches, voice assistants, and other digital touchpoints. That’s where headless CMS comes in as the optimal solution.

A headless content management system (CMS) provides a centralised location to manage content, which can then be deployed across multiple digital platforms. Headless allows users to have the freedom and flexibility to construct content in any way necessary by configuring and reconfiguring the content elements.

This flexibility is often paired with the presentation layer (front end), but a headless CMS solution also offers the same level of flexibility in the backend. This allows developers and website owners to configure the appearance and behaviour of the backend, which can be valuable for maintaining a productive team.

How does a headless CMS work?

A headless CMS works by separating the content management process from the delivery process. The content is created and managed in a central location, which is known as the “content repository”. This content is then exposed through an API (application programming interface), which developers can use to deliver the content to any front-end or application.

Developers can use the API to access and retrieve the content, and then use the technology stack that is best suited to the website to present the content to the end user. This means that the front end can be built using any programming language or technology stack, and can be updated and changed independently of the content management system.

Benefits of a Headless CMS

Headless CMS provides businesses with several benefits over traditional CMS solutions, including:


Headless CMS provides businesses with greater flexibility and agility when it comes to managing their digital content. With a headless CMS, businesses can easily adapt to changing needs and requirements, such as supporting new devices or channels with ease.

Improved content consistency

Headless CMS streamlines content management by providing a single content repository that can be accessed by both frontend and backend teams. This unified approach ensures consistency across different channels and eliminates the need to update each channel separately, which can lead to faster content delivery and greater efficiency.

This smooth-running process promotes clear communication and better collaboration, which are factors that can often slow down development cycles if they aren’t up to scratch.

Better user experience

Headless CMS allows businesses to build custom frontend applications that are tailored to their users’ needs, resulting in a better user experience – helping businesses to improve customer engagement and loyalty.

Easier integration

Headless CMS makes it easy to integrate with other applications and systems, such as e-commerce platforms, social media channels, and marketing automation tools. This can help businesses to deliver content to different channels more easily and efficiently.

Overall, it enables businesses to transform their digital content strategy by providing greater flexibility, efficiency, and better user experience. As a result, businesses can achieve greater customer engagement and loyalty, which ultimately drives revenue growth.

Is a Headless CMS right for your business?

As a business, you need to evaluate your current content management processes, content delivery needs, and technical capabilities before deciding if a headless CMS is the right choice for the future. Essentially, it’s crucial to consider long-term goals and the scalability of the CMS solution.

Does your business need to deliver personalised content to users?

A headless CMS allows businesses to create and manage personalised content based on user data and behaviour, making it a good choice for businesses that need to deliver tailored experiences to their customers.

Does your business need to optimise content delivery for different regions and languages?

Headless CMS provides businesses with the ability to manage and deliver content in multiple languages and regions, which is perfect for businesses that need to serve global audiences.

Does your business have a technical team in place to manage a Headless CMS?

While a Headless CMS provides greater flexibility and customisation options, it may require a higher level of technical expertise to set up and maintain compared to traditional CMS solutions. Businesses should evaluate their technical capabilities before choosing a headless CMS, and invest in a capable team of experts to deliver the best results.

Does your business require a high level of customisation for your front-end applications?

If your business needs a high level of customisation for your front-end applications, a headless CMS allows developers to build custom front-end applications using any programming language or framework.

Different CMS will service many different industries


WordPress is a popular CMS that can be used in two different ways: traditional or headless. Traditionally, it’s known for its CMS features where you manage both the content and how it’s displayed. But it also has a headless mode that lets you separate the content management part from how it’s presented to users.

This is done through the WordPress REST API or the newer GraphQL API. With these options, developers can build websites or apps where the front end and back end are disconnected. WordPress has a wide range of plugins and a user-friendly interface, making it flexible for creating headless projects. Many industries choose WordPress because it combines the ease of a traditional CMS with the power of headless functionality.


Strapi is an open-source headless CMS designed to make building headless websites easier. With Strapi, developers can create APIs to deliver content while keeping the front-end and back-end separate. It’s known for its flexibility in organising content, controlling user access based on roles, and customising the admin interface. Developers using Strapi have the freedom to choose their favourite front-end frameworks and technologies. It’s a popular choice in industries that need a CMS that can be highly customised and is friendly to developers.


Directus is a headless CMS and database tool that helps developers create personalised content management interfaces. It has a user-friendly admin interface for managing content, which is delivered to the website or app through APIs for display. Directus supports different databases and provides lots of customisation options, making it great for building headless architectures. Developers can choose their preferred frontend frameworks and technologies to create unique experiences. Directus has become popular in industries that need a self-hosted, customisable, and API-focused headless CMS solution.

Go Headless with Rooster Marketing

If you are considering a headless CMS for your business, it is important to carefully evaluate your needs and goals and to choose a platform that is flexible, scalable, and easy to use. At Rooster Marketing, our Headless CMS is designed for growth and scalability, making it simple to expand your system without the need for repeated processes. And with our Jamstack architecture for static sites, you’ll experience lightning-fast load speeds, enhanced security, and the ability to serve your entire website through a separate content delivery network.

Let us work with your team to align your website architecture and CMS needs with your internal strengths and requirements. Your bespoke website will be built from the ground up with a dedicated strategy, ensuring it’s tailored to meet your specific goals. Get in touch with us today to learn more.